Set up Squirls

Squirls is a desktop Java application that requires several external files to run. This document explains how to download these files and prepare to run Squirls.

Note: Squirls is written with Java version 11 and will run and compile under Java 11+.

Squirls downloadable resources

There are several external files that must be downloaded prior running Squirls.

Prebuilt Squirls executable

To download the prebuilt Squirls JAR file, go to the Releases section on the Squirls GitHub page and download the latest precompiled version of Squirls.

Squirls database files

Squirls database files are available for download from:


Download 2102_hg19 (~10.5 GB for download, ~15 GB unpacked)


Download 2102_hg38 (~11.1 GB for download, ~16.5 GB unpacked)

After the download, unzip the archive(s) content into a folder and note the folder path.

Jannovar transcript databases

Functional annotation of variants, which is required for certain Squirls tasks, is performed using Jannovar library. To run the annotation, Jannovar transcript database files need to be provided. The Jannovar v0.35 database files were tested to work with Squirls.

For your convenience, the files containing UCSC, RefSeq, or ENSEMBL transcripts for hg19 or hg38 genome assemblies are available for download (~330 MB for download, ~330 MB unpacked).

Download Jannovar files from here.

Build Squirls from source

As an alternative to using prebuilt Squirls JAR file, the Squirls JAR file can also be built from Java sources.

Run the following commands to download Squirls source code from GitHub repository and to build Squirls JAR file:

$ git
$ cd Squirls
$ ./mvnw package


To build Squirls from sources, JDK 11 or better must be available in the environment

After the successful build, the JAR file is located at squirls-cli/target/squirls-cli-1.0.0.jar.

To verify that the building process went well, run:

$ java -jar squirls-cli/target/squirls-cli-1.0.0.jar --help

generate-config - Generate and fill the configuration file

Squirls needs to know about the locations of the external files. The locations are provided in a YAML configuration file. The command generate-config generates an empty configuration file:

$ java -jar squirls-cli.jar generate-config squirls-config.yml

The command above generates an empty configuration file squirls-config.yml in the working directory.

The configuration file has the following content:

# Required properties template, the file follows YAML syntax.
  # path to directory with Squirls files
  # Genome assembly - choose from {hg19, hg38}
  # Exomiser-like data version (1902 in examples above)

  # Variant with longer REF allele will not be evaluated
  #max-variant-length: 100

  # Which classifier to use
  #version: v0.4.6
  # Which splicing annotator to use
  #  version: agez

Mandatory parameters

Open the file in your favorite text editor and provide the following three bits of information:

  • - location the the folder with Squirls data. The directory is expected to have a structure like:

       |- 1902_hg19:
       |   |- 1902_hg19.fa
       |   |- 1902_hg19.fa.dict
       |   |- 1902_hg19.fa.fai
       |   |-
       |   \-
       \- 1902_hg38
           |- 1902_hg38.fa

    where 1902_hg19, 1902_hg38 correspond to content of the ZIP files downloaded in the previous section

  • squirls.genome-assembly - which genome assembly to use, choose from {hg19, hg38}

  • - which data version to use, the data version corresponds to 1902 in the example above

Optional parameters

  • squirls.max-variant-length - set the maximal length of the variant to be analyzed (100 bp by default)